HERDER was conceived from the murky swamps by JB to praise the holy crushing scepter of doom and release the low filthy sludge in a revelation of deep rumbling decibelquakes in the hellish underbelly of a world gone mad! Coming in a stabhappy frenzy from the Westereen, the devotion to the HERDER knives was only natural and instinctive and so was the passion for heavy as fuck drinking! Relentless pounding Stoner Doom with a Sludgy vibe was created to wreak havoc upon mankind's feeble outcasts and Lotharios: With past / present sexoffenders of DR DOOM, RUSH N ATTACK, ABORTED, BORN FROM PAIN, ANGEL CREW, OMISSION, URFAUST and THE DEVIL'S BLOOD, VIKINGS , you know you are into something furious and fucked up beyond recognition: HERDER IS HARDER, FUCK YOU TILL DEATH!